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Title Author Publishing Info Topic
Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial, and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism Rowe, Mark

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012

Contemporary Anti-Supernaturalist Darwinists
Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy Churchland, Patricia Smith

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002

Bridging Science and Religion Peters, Ted & Gaymon Bennett, eds

Norwich, England & Berkeley, CA: SCM & CTNS, 2002

Survey and Essay Collections of Current Science/Theology Engagement
Burying the Beloved: Marriage, Realism and Reform in Modern Iran Motlagh, Amy

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011

Contemporary Anti-Supernaturalist Darwinists
Can Nature be Evil or Evil Natural? A Science-and-Religion View on Suffering and Evil Du Toit, Cornel W ed

Pretoria: Research Institute for Theology and Religion, 2006

Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine Action / Providence
Can We Believe Genesis Today? The Bible and Questions of Science, Revised Edition Lucas, Ernest

Leicester: InterVarsity, 2001

"Evangelical" Western Christian Engagements
Challenging Nature: The Clash of Science and Spirituality at the New Frontiers of Life Silver, Lee M

New York: Harper Collins, 2006

Representative Recent Engagements of Theology by Natural Scientists
Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Russell, Robert John, Nancey Murphy and Arthur Peacocke, eds.

Vatican City State and Berkeley, CA: Vatican Observatory and CTNS, 1995. ISBN: 0268008124.

Religion and Science (General)
Chaos and Harmony: Perspectives on Scientific Revolutions of the Twentieth Century. Thuan, Trinh Xuan.

West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2006.

Chaos and Complexity Theory
Chaos and Life: Complexity and Order in Evolution and Thought. Bird, Richard J.

New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.

Chaos and Complexity Theory
Chemistry Imagined: Reflections on Science. Hoffmann, Roald.

Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993.

Christianity and Science: Toward a Theology of Nature Haught, John

Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2007

Broad Western Christian Engagements
Christianity's Quiet Success: The Eusebius Gallicanus Sermon Collection and the Power of the Church in Late Antique Gaul Bailey, Lisa Kaaren

Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012

Contemporary Anti-Supernaturalist Darwinists
Christology and Science Shults, F LeRon

Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008

Broad Western Christian Engagements
Church, State, and Race: The Discourse of American Religious Liberty, 1750-1900 Jordan, Ryan

Lanham: University Press of America, 2012

Contemporary Anti-Supernaturalist Darwinists
Climbing Mount Improbable Dawkins, Richard

New York: W Norton, 1996

Contemporary Anti-Supernaturalist Darwinists
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Diamond, Jared

New York: Viking, 2005

Environmental Science/Ecology
Coming to Life: How Genes Drive Development.

Carlsbad, CA: Kales Press, 2006.

Evolutionary and Molecular Biology
Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology Falk, Darrel R

Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2004

"Evangelical" Western Christian Engagements
Competing Truths: Theology and Science as Sibling Rivals Coleman, Richard J

Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2001

Broad Western Christian Engagements